Hot Off The Press

My friend Amanda Rose finished her long awaited book, Rebuild From Depression. It’s available now on her website for $19.97 and the shipping is free. I ordered my copy as soon as it was available. I’m looking forward to posting another piece on the book after I’ve had time to read it. So much of what I learned from Amanda helped me with my battle against chronic Lyme Disease. Although the book is based on Amanda’s unfortunate tangle with postpartum depression, the facts and the research are applicable for everyone with a brain!

Why not order your copy today??? Why wait until you are in that uphill climb out of a mucky muddy pit. Learn now how to achieve and maintain the mental health needed to battle depression. In our stressful society we all need whatever help we can get….I sure do.

My daily routine always includes a healthy swig of Cod Liver Oil and plenty of grassfed butter. Nutrient dense foods loaded with Omega-3 are high on my list. One really great thing I learned from Amanda, was about Phytic Acid. This was the key that unlocked my life again to grains. And she offers a free e-course if you’d like to learn more. Yes, I said, FREE.

Why not pop on over and visit Rebuild From Depression and learn about the mysteries to the food you eat. Her mom, Jeanie Rose does wonderful little cooking videos, plus she has her own website called, Pray The Scriptures.

Some of my most memorable posts by Amanda are; Rugged Mountain Woman, Poison Oak Relief Anyone?, Apparently I Can Survive AnythingA Eulogy Written on a Country Pasture: Rest in Peace Vancer Eyk Organic Dairy, and I Met My Meat (I love the license plate). Those are just a few that stick out in my mind over the past couple years since I’ve been visiting Amanda on her website.

I’m a Winner

I posted a few days ago about a give away going on over at Rebuild From Depression. And although, I’ve battled my share of depression in my life…who hasn’t…. I’m not now….but I sure have enough to get depressed about if I let myself. I try to do the things important to keep myself out of that pit. Once you’re in it, it’s like trying to climb out of a muddy, slimy pit as Scripture so aptly puts it.

Psalm 40:1-2 gives me such a good word picture

“I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”

Don’t wait for depression to hit. Eat to ward it off. And don’t think it’s a lost cause if you are struggling, you can eat the foods that have been proven to help you Rebuild From Depression.

I decided to play. Hey, if you don’t play you can’t win!

Well, I did just about everything Amanda asked for except some thing called Stumble. I do enough stumbling on my own….who needs help. It’s one more techie site that consumes your time….kinda like I’m doing right now…..but don’t hang up on me….ok?…..I’m sure that I’ve got something important to say………….eventually!

Look what I won!


I’m takin some of that Calm tomorrow for sure….I could use a little calming.

You still have a chance to win. I’m not sure how many give aways Amanda is doing, but why not pop over there…..yes, allow one more techie thing to consume a little of your time! I’ve been reading Amanda’s blog for over 2 years and learned most of what I know now about Omega-3 and Phytates and other 5 cent words (they really are priceless), initially from her. It’s there that my journey of healing from Lyme Disease started.

Thanks Amanda!!!

Like A Lady

Who needs a cat, when you’ve got a Lady!?!

My little Lady is as good and even better than any cat!


I’m convinced that the last two deer ticks I was bitten by came out of my vegetable garden. Most people who have been infected with Lyme Disease and it’s many co-infections stop gardening and dare I say, stop going outside!

YIKES! How can anyone live like that? I can’t. The last tick I had last June, reinfected me with Babesia which caused a severe case of Hemolytic Anemia. And on my 50th birthday in October, I had anything but life. I was ready for a blood transfusion.

Those who are educated in Lyme Disease know that the original host is a white footed mouse NOT a deer. Which is your typical mouse. So the way to control Lyme Disease is by controlling the mouse population on your property. We have seen a huge reduction in the tick population since we cut our field down last year. Whether we pushed them into a neighboring field or not I don’t know. But we encourage mouse predators, which are snakes, field cats, chickens, hawks and of course our little Lady!

Since Boomers death 3 months ago today, I’ve allowed Lady much more freedom. Although she’s not nearly as “intelligent” as Boomer, she is very responsive and obedient. Allowing Lady in the garden has been a positive move. She knows not to walk in my raised beds. She knows not to dig or scratch in the rocks. So, the other day when I heard her digging in the pea gravel, I went to see what she was up to.

She had uncovered a nest of mice! A mama mouse with 5 babies. I can keep rabbits out of my garden but it’s nearly impossible to keep mice out. So, I let Lady hunt them. If you can’t stomach the circle of life….then you might like to skip the remainder of this sentence…..Lady killed the mama mouse but left the babies. I had to do something with them. I took a plastic bag and picked them up and fed them to the chickens. The chickens loved them. Sorry.

Who needs a cat when you have a Lady?

Good job girl!




I still haven’t gotten pea gravel laid in my new area….time and energy oh and $$$.

A couple of helpful tips on limiting your mouse population….remove leaf piles and eliminate rock walls (they love to nest in rocks).  And of course get yourself a Lady!