Happy Happy Day!

Happy Happy B-day to ME!

Yep, it’s my B-day and my cousin Mark’s.

Mark is 50 and I’m 51.

Happy B-day Mark.

Oh how I wish I could eat this dark chocolate cake…..I didn’t make it….it’s just a pic from google….but I’d still love to sink my teeth into it.  Did I ever tell you that I’m to be buried with a fork in my hand, so that I’ll be ready for the banquet table in heaven, where there are no calories or sickness or allergies!

AMEN! Here’s to dark chocolate cake!

Happy Happy Day!

(Today is Honey’s birthday.  He is a welcome home from the war baby.  He was born 9 months almost to the day that his dad came home from France, fighting in WWII.)

Happy Birthday My Love!

May your days be filled with Joy, Love, and Peace.

May you always know the love of our Saviour, Jesus.

May we spend many more days together celebrating life.

May we look forward to the day in heaven when you can eat German Chocolate Cake without getting a migraine and I can eat it without getting fat!

May you always know my love and devotion.

And may I always be Your Joy!

Thanks Jen for the lovely Cake.

Thanks Jen for the lovely Cake.

All 5 Alive in October


What’s not to love about October in Maryland when all 5 senses are tantalized?

The mornings on the farm are cool and crisp and the nights are calling for flannel sheets to come out of hiding. Pumpkins, gourds, and corn mazes are abundant and available at every farm tour. Apples are bursting with juice and flavor begging to be picked. The leaves are turning into a symphony of colors. Quiet drives out to the mountains remind me that God is in His heavens and He is the Master Painter. The fresh aroma of Chai Tea bursting with spices of cinnamon, cloves and cardamom floating through the house. Slow dinners of roasted chicken and root veggies, soups and stews simmering on the stove. Mornings of warm oatmeal with butter and cream.  Knitting projects galore, with socks, hats, scarves, mittens and sweaters on the list of to-do’s.  Bon fires and thoughts of years gone by with children running about roasting marshmallows and hot dogs.

Everyone and everything is winding down waiting for the long rest of winter. The gardens are clean and winter crops are planted with the wish list of new seeds to buy in January.  Herbs are hanging to dry and food in stocked in the pantry.  Calves have been born and tragedies lived out on the farm. Winter coats are in the making, full and fluffy to ward off the unrelenting temp’s of winter. Hibernation is just around the corner for man and beast alike.  The sound of Canadian Geese overhead every evening as I tuck in my critters brings peace to my soul.

Birthdays to celebrate and deaths to mourn.  Joys of togetherness as we hunker down for the long winter and wait expectantly for the birth of spring.

“Delicious autumn!  My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.”  ~George Eliot