With The Click of The Mouse

I’ve done something that I’m not sure if I will regret….I put in my first order for baby chicks!!!  YIKES!  Murray McMurray Hatchery required a minimum order of 25 chicks…..so, I ordered 25!  They ought to be laying by the time Winter settles in.

Here’s what’s coming: 5 Barred Rocks, 5 Rhode Island Reds, 5 Buff Orpingtons, 5 Silver Laced  Wyandotte, and 5 Black Australorps.

They are due to arrive the week of August 14.  I seem to think that push always comes to shove!  I’m in no way ready for 25 more laying hens, but I will be by the time they are ready to go outside.  Right now, I only have room for 6 hens!

Honey asked, “What are you going to do with them?”  I said, “well, I’m going to dip their noses in water to teach them to drink, and give them some starter feed and they will live in a box with a light and ………..”  I don’t think that’s exactly what he meant…..then he asked, “where will you keep that box????”  and I said, “in the basement…..”  He guffawed again!  He’s been doing that a lot with me lately!!! 😉

You might be asking, what I will do with that many eggs???  Yea, Honey was asking that question too!  Well, I figured that if I could raise virtually free eggs by feeding my hens clabber made from my Jersey cow along with all the bugs they free range, then I could give eggs away to some folks in our church who are now unemployed with children to feed.  Plus my own kids are constantly keeping me searching for more eggs.  And if I have extra then I will sell them.

Eggs are a wonderful source of Omega-3!  The yolks are rich and healthy.  You will find NO soy or GMO feed in my chicks!

The Benefits of Omega 3

When I first started to recover my health 2 1/2 yrs ago, it was the information from Rebuild From Depression that taught me the most.  Amanda Rose went through a horrible postpartum experience and came out on the other side….well….smelling like a Rose!  But it wasn’t after doing tons of research to write her long awaited book titled non other than….Rebuild From Depression which will hit the shelfs this summer!

Here is her MOM in a video cooking Salmon which is a great Omega 3 food.

Amanda is having a great give away for some wonderful Omega 3 supplements.  If you’d like to win or read about it you can visit her here.

Chicken Salad

Joel Salatin coined the phrase “Salad Bar Beef”, well I have “Salad Bar Chickens”.

My chickens LOVE salad! I pick-up “compost” from my local groceries and feed my chickens salad. Yesterday we must have picked up at least 50 lbs of compost! That’s FREE food! They just LOVE little tomatoes. Sometimes there’s salad bar fixins with peas and beans. This is the highlight of their week!


Boomer was so jealous.

I pick out all the twisty ties and rubber bands that I can find. However, the chickens don’t eat them so I can pick-up whatever is left behind when they finish their salad.


Abigail Adams is doing really great!!! Her little head has healed so well!

As you can see they don’t eat Coconuts! or Oranges of Lemons!

But I leave them so that they will decompose and attract insects, which they do eat! I can’t even get this compost pile to grow, because the chickens eat this salad as fast as I can bring it home!

You will find that if you feed your chickens salad, especially in the winter, their egg yolks will be a delicious bright orange! The nutrient levels of Omega 3 go way up with “grassfed” chickens and that includes salad! Plus, there is less total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories and they have more vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C.

My chickens also get an organic feed and once our cows freshen, they will eat clabber as their only source of protein. At that point our chickens will be pure profit!