Step by Step

Inch by inch!

We’re getting there.


My men rented a post hole digger thingy and got the holes dug for the corral in just a few minutes! Really.


My favorite man at work.

(You’re probably asking yourself, “what’s with the hill billy basket ball hoop?” Well, when the kids were young we put it there. Yep in the grass. We didn’t have a paved driveway and the driveway has hills off two sides, so the grass seemed to be just right. Now we’re going to let the cows play hoops! Just kidding. We’re probably going to eventually cut off the hoop and use the pole for a solar light…..homesteaders make use of everything!!!)


Of course the 8 foot boards he bought couldn’t have been 8 feet….no they are 8′ and 1/2 inch!

The holes are set at 8 feet!



My man is an engineer at heart and everything he builds will last forever!

He’s making progress. Slowly, but surely. And this fence will be straight and not fall down! Not even with a 1200 lb cow pulling on it.


Seems to be working pretty well for our small pony!

(he’s not been feeling well again. we know that our time with him is short. so we make the most of every day.)


While they dug the holes I screwed on all the little insulators for the electric fence.